Thursday, January 20, 2005

UK perisoner abuse: This is a picture released by a British Court Martial, Tuesday, Jan, 18, 2005 in Osnabrueck, Germany allegedly showing a soldier 'simulating' kicking an Iraqi detainee (wet patches are water) used in the Court Martial in Osnabruck, Germany, where three British soldiers from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers are facing allegations they mistreated Iraqis. Corporal Daniel Kenyon, 33, and Lance Corporals Mark Cooley, 25, and Lance Corpral Darren Larkin, 30, are accused of abusing the men at a humanitarian aid camp known as the Bread Basket, near Basra, Iraq, in May, 2003.


At 11/21/2007 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


They put a bag upon my head
To bring me to the prison. There
On meager fare so I was fed,
The circumstances very spare.

One very prized of their techniques
As happened more than days and weeks
To tie a cinch around the penis:
So they would laugh when they had seen us;

Or they would urinate upon one,
And varied were the tortures done one,
Backdrop of other prisoners
Wailing in torment, theirs yet worse.

There was the sound of barking dogs
And we were treated less than hogs,
Till, after two years, give a day
Or take, so I was sent away:

Since I was not a terrorist
Nor from the outset did resist,
I wonder what the purpose was,
Why someone does the things he does.

An Arab, so I was a target,
This I believe; while men in war get
Treated to cruel injustices,
But never had I thought of this:

That the United States in turn
From petty dictators would learn,
But so, in all the world´s esteem
Must vanish fanciful that dream,

That former vision of a place
Where rule of law but men did trace
Within their actions, all beneath
The law. That image comes to death.

The soldiers took directives from
Men without uniform, as come
From private enterprising firms,
So I have learned, who set the terms.

Me they injected with syringe,
Stripped naked, and it makes me cringe
To think--who knows what it was for?--
I can´t have children anymore.

Ah, USA,
The stories are so many,
You threw away
A good name for a penny--
How ever shall
You get back reputation?
No, once let fall,
Though it were deputation,
It never will come back;
Derailed from virtue´s track.

At 8/02/2010 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

corporal dan kenyon had nothing to do with this!, he tried to stop it

At 1/18/2011 5:50 PM, Blogger mewmewmew said...

Veteran's Day is November 11th and I hope that EVERY American will be flying the flag in honor of our troops fighting in Iraq and around the world to preserve our freedoms!

Waterfront Catering Halls


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